Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Steiff Toys // Margarete Steiff Biography

1 comment:

  1. Hello Lauretta,
    Thank you for including this story of Margarete Steiff on your blog. I was intrigued to learn more about her after I tried to explain to the home care nurse who visited me this morning about the wonderful German toy company Steiff. She was intrigued with the well worn Steiff rabbit of my daughter's that I had by my bed. It is 36 years old. My daughter and I visited my younger daughter in Berlin in 2007. While we were out shopping we came upon the Steiff toy store, I was enchanted to see and hold the aweome collection of darling toys. Margarete Steiff's story is such an inspiration. I was so happy to learn more about her in the video you posted. Thank you! Leslie Tucker, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada,
